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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Popsicle Stick Houses

Kindergarten has been working on making shapes with popsicle sticks, turning them into houses. In a multi medium project derived from School Arts magazine they have been learning art concepts of shape, and space as well as fine motor skills with glue and paint. They are all very unique little houses and they look very cute hanging up in the hall. Stop by school and take a look.

Bugs and Seurat

The 6th grade class has been learning about insects in science. In art we mixed together their science curriculum with their art history time line. They learned about Georges Seurat and pointillism. They specifically looked at "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" which you can see at this link http://www.artchive.com/artchive/S/seurat/jatte.jpg.html. On square box bottoms that were donated to our art room, the kids first drew out a simple insect line drawing. They then used match sticks to apply the paint in small dots. They are almost finished. The last step is to paint the edges of box, to give it a nice finished look.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Integrating Art and Science

In 4th grade art we are working on making bug jars while the kids are learning about insects in their classroom. It is fun to watch the kids take what they have learned about insects and apply that to their drawings. This is a great way to help the kids retain what they have learned. Kids love bug too so they have fun with this project, being able to create bugs and keep them in their jars. This project isn't finished yet. We will be working on making a one point perspective background this week and then gluing the two parts together.