Welcome to the new Pelican Art blog. Feel free to look around. Check out the pages and find your student's class. See what new projects they are working on.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Be sure to check your child's class page. I have been working on adding info. on their current projects.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New to the Art Room; KINDERGARTEN!

We are so excited to be adding Kindergarten art classes this year. They will have class once a week for half an hour. The morning and the afternoon class both come on Wednesdays, 9:30 and 2:30. They are working hard at learning all about lines. The first day of class one sweet little girl raised her hand and said "Mrs. Arkema, did you know that I am an artist?" How wonderful, I hope all our little kindergarteners will feel like artists in my class:)

Art to Remember©

The first project we are working on in 1st through 6th grades is Art to Remember© . This year all the kids are making a self portrait. They will be finished in plenty of time for Christmas. They are all turning out so cute. 1st and 2nd are pretty much finished and a photo of their work can be seen on their class pages. Check back to see the older grades added as they finish.

*FYI: If your child wants to make something other than a self portrait for Art to Remember© I am letting them bring home a sheet of paper so they can do this on their own time. They will still complete a self portrait for class.